The High Speed Rail Alliance is pleased to welcome Eric Peterson to speak at our brown bag lunch series. Mr. Peterson is a transportation policy advisor who is currently addressing infrastructure funding and finance, public transportation, and intercity and high-speed passenger rail issues. In his career, he has played key roles in many major transportation improvement initiatives in the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area. Peterson has also held significant leadership roles on Capitol Hill with national and regional transportation associations.
Mr. Peterson will be reviewing a study he completed for Caltrans with the support of the Mineta Transportation Institute. The study looked at California’s State Rail Plan, highlighting the groundbreaking qualities and offering helpful suggestions for future improvements. This report also identifies the best features and planning strategies that may inform and improve the state rail planning process going forward, steps that will positively contribute to the public benefit of enhanced rail system.
Speaker: Eric Peterson, Transportation Policy Advisor, member of the Transportation Research Board Intercity and High-Speed Rail Committee and the American Public Transportation Association’s Intercity and High-Speed Passenger Rail Committee.