Hourly trains, linking Michigan's largest cities, would give students greater flexibility to attend the college of their choice - and finish with a degree. The percentage of working-age adults with a post-secondary degree or certification in Michigan is about 51...
A line between Ann Arbor and Traverse City would stitch together the growing population centers in the northwest and southeast, attracting workers in both regions and boosting the tourism industry in northwest Michigan.
With trains running at 110 mph, the trip from Ann Arbor to Traverse City would be roughly 3.5 hours—faster and cheaper than driving.
This line is already owned by the Michigan Department of Transportation, making it a prime candidate for being a passenger focused line.

Huron Shore: Bay City – Flint – Pontiac – Detroit
The Bay City – Detroit corridor—a distance of roughly 100 miles—runs through the northern suburbs of Detroit.
It has strong potential for a multi-purpose line that serves commuters in the Detroit suburbs, Flint and Saginaw; tourists and vacationers from Detroit to the Lake Huron region (and vice versa); and people making short trips to Detroit for its shopping, dining, and entertainment options.
The state should commission a study of the line’s feasibility and economic impact.
Upper Peninsula
Milwaukee to Green Bay is in the Corridor ID Program. Michigan should partner with Wisconsin to explore extending the route from Green Bay to Marquette.

Part of a statewide network
This is just one piece of what should be an aggressive program to link the state with affordable trains and expanded bus lines.
A comprehensive plan is the key to making all of this work: fast trains, frequent service, coordinated schedules, fixed bottlenecks, and a new railroad hub. California is the first to do such a plan, and Michigan should follow their lead.
Please take a moment and let state leaders know: We need a statewide transportation plan that moves us well beyond the same old same old.

Ask Governor Whitmer and your legislators to make regional rail a priority
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