
On Monday, June 26, Illinois Governor Pritzker held a press conference at Chicago Union Station to celebrate the official launch of 110 mph service on the Chicago – St. Louis Corridor.

IL Gov. Pritzker Launches 110 mph Service

Chicago – St. Louis Corridor Launches 110 mph Service

On Monday, June 26, Illinois Governor Pritzker held a press conference at Chicago Union Station to celebrate the official launch of 110 mph service on the Chicago – St. Louis Corridor.

The Governor is clearly proud of the state’s faster new service to St. Louis.  He brought together an impressive slate of state, federal, and local elected officials, the CEO of the Union Pacific Railroad, and leaders from agencies such as Amtrak, IDOT, and the Federal Railroad Administration.

It is important to celebrate this important step towards a national railroad infrastructure program.  It offers important lessons in safety enhancements, agency and railroad cooperation and infrastructure design that should be incorporated in all shared-use lines across the country.

And, members of the High Speed Rail Alliance should be proud of the critical role they played gaining the state matching funds for the project.

While this is an important step, it is urgent that the country and the state take bigger steps faster.  We’ll have more on the next steps later.

Today, let’s celebrate this progress.

Read More:

110 mph Passenger Service Starts Monday (Video of Press Conference)

St. Louis to Chicago Amtrak Trains Start 110 mph Operation (Mass Transit)

Amtrak Is On a Faster Track With New, Improved Illinois Service (Chicago Sun Times)

Chicago – St. Louis Corridor: A Model for Shared-Use Lines (HSRA)



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