The Shinkansen’s legendary operation and safety record

A Japanese bullet train is passing a station on a. curve.

Guest post by Caleb Villamin

Since its inception, Japan’s Shinkansen has solidified itself as one of the world’s most efficient and reliable railways. Online database Statista places Japan’s services at the top of the field, with a 6.8/7 reliability score. Delays on the system are measured in fractions of a minute, with official apologies given out should there be any at all.

But with great speed comes great responsibility, and as expected, Japanese engineers have accounted for every loose end, from weather, to earthquakes, and obstacles, resulting in a flawless safety record: there have been zero passenger fatalities on the Shinkansen since its inauguration 1964.

It’s a testament to the unrelenting attention given to the Shinkansen’s operation and maintenance, which is a massive contrast against cars and road-related accidents.

The massive amounts of work put into the system’s operation is unique in that when the job is done right, you barely notice at all. Let’s break down the various operational and safety measures on the system to see why the Japanese can put even Switzerland’s precision to shame.

The Crash Avoidance Principle

After the Shinkansen was conceptualised in the late 1950s, designers prioritised safety as well as speed, designing the system around the “Crash Avoidance Principle”.

The International High Speed Rail Alliance states that under this design, the possibility of a crash can be “completely” eliminated by utilising two systems: ATC (automated train control) signalling, and dedicated track without level crossings or sharing with lower-speed trains.

ATC signalling is an advanced, computer-based control system that automatically adjusts the speed of active trains based on their precise location relative to stations, signals, and other trains. Used widely on modern metro systems, ATC signalling increases safety and efficiency of service by providing a continuous monitoring of train position and speeds, as well as automatically applying brakes or reducing speed to prevent collisions and adhere to set speed limits.

Meanwhile, the dedicated tracks, or grade separation, isolates Shinkansen trains from other services and road traffic, calling for entirely new infrastructure independent from the mainline network.

In comparison to Europe, whose high-speed rail systems are designed to be interoperable with lower-speed railways and legacy infrastructure, the Shinkansen can run at higher average speeds and frequencies, all while being more safe.

Impacts of Crash Avoidance Principle on Design + Operation

With the train sets being developed with the ‘crash avoidance principles’ in mind, the Shinkansen rolling stock is designed with various unique principles which set them apart from many other global design standards.

A brand new, grade-separated railway informed a number of design and operational elements, for instance, a lightweight body.

Trains in the United States are built with heavier stainless steel bodies, meant to protect passengers from collisions with traffic or other trains as there is constant interaction between the two.

However, with the tight speed control via ATC signalling and elimination of interaction with lower-speed trains and traffic, this design became redundant. The lighter construction reduces wear on the rails and bogies (train wheels), resulting in lower maintenance costs and increased safety.

Additionally, in comparison with many early European high-speed trains, the Shinkansen always operated as an EMU (electric multiple unit), meaning bogies underneath each car were powered. With power distributed to every car, the train’s weight was distributed more evenly across the tracks, reducing wear. The bogies themselves are also lighter than their European and American counterparts. Their respective bogies are heavier and more robust to handle the rougher and uneven tracks. The overall lighter construction resulted in both trains and rails staying strong since 1964.

The dedicated tracks and ATC signalling work together to create a high-frequency passenger rail service. European systems, in contrast to Japan, generally avoided creating entirely new railways, and instead opted to design their high-speed networks to work with legacy infrastructure and stations. While this helped save initial construction costs, the downside is that high-speed services have to coordinate with lower-speed services, which reduces their frequency.

Frankfurt to Cologne in Germany for example, runs at 30 minute to 1 hour headways during peak times.

Meanwhile, the Tokaido Shinkansen, with its tight coordination with ATC signalling and dedicated tracks, has peak headways (frequencies) of 3-5 minutes during peak hours. That is the equivalent of a metro service, operating at much greater distances.

Daily Operation and Safety Countermeasures

The unique nature of the Shinkansen allows for tightly-controlled daily operations and various safety measures to keep the system punctual and efficient. As mentioned before, ATC signalling uses computers to adjust the speed of trains, allowing for more accurate train control and increased service reliability. Similar to an airport control tower, Shinkansen operations have a general control center, where services are monitored by operation commanders. Alongside overseeing railway operations, personnel also issue appropriate routines to respond to emergencies such as earthquakes or crashes.

Decisions regarding service frequency are influenced by demand as well as public holidays or events. Train service during normal peak hours is usually every 3-5 minutes depending on line and service, and every 20-30 minutes during off-peak times. However, certain holiday periods warrant peak service run during typical off-peak hours. For instance, New Year’s, Golden Week, and the Obon festivals are popular times for people to commute to visit family, so headways are kept frequent.

Safety outside the control room is also impeccable, with measures to account for every situation accounted for. Platform screen doors seen on many metro systems are used to prevent people and items from falling onto the tracks, keeping operations smooth. Advanced meteorological sensors sense changes in weather patterns and inform about decisions to slow service, such as during heavy rain or typhoons.

Finally, earthquake detection equipment has been installed across all Shinkansen lines, each with respective countermeasures and emergency procedures. Seismometers are directly connected to the operation center. At the first sign of tremors, power is cut to the service and emergency brakes are applied. Modern systems have a two-second latency from detection to applying the brakes. Elevated viaducts are reinforced with steel plating to prevent their full collapse during and earthquake. Since 1995, according to Japanese officials, no significant damage has occurred to any Shinkansen bridge. During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, all 27 active train lines near Miyagi prefecture stopped safely, a testament to the robust nature of the system.

Key Takeaways

With the Shinkansen having over 50 years of operations under its belt, it can be said without a doubt that its design is tried and tested. The crash avoidance principle impacts a wide range of operational and safety features: the lightweight body reduces wear on the rails and reduces maintenance costs, the ATC signalling allows for faster and safer service, the tight monitoring of weather and earthquakes – all these factors have produced a flawless safety record. As the world continues to build high-speed rail, perhaps it would be wise to consult with the land of the rising sun to show everyone how it’s really done.

A dude is using an IPad on a station platform wth a high-speed train in the background.

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The country needs an Interstate Railway Program, like the Interstate Highway Program, to take full advantage of the community, economic, and environmental benefits of trains.

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