Hourly trains, linking Michigan's largest cities, would give students greater flexibility to attend the college of their choice - and finish with a degree. The percentage of working-age adults with a post-secondary degree or certification in Michigan is about 51...
The Mercury
This segment should be built for electrified high-speed trains.
The Ohio Rail Development Commission is managing a Corridor ID grant for shared-use service linking Detroit – Toledo -Cleveland.
in 2019, the City of Toledo and the Toledo Metropolitan Area Council of Governments commissioned a study of a line running from Toledo to Detroit and Ann Arbor. It demonstrated a would strong demand for commuter-rail service in this heavily-traveled corridor. The trains would strengthen connections between three cities that are already closely knit.

Part of a statewide network
This is just one piece of what should be an aggressive program to link the state with affordable trains and expanded bus lines.
A comprehensive plan is the key to making all of this work: fast trains, frequent service, coordinated schedules, fixed bottlenecks, and a new railroad hub. California is the first to do such a plan, and Michigan should follow their lead.
Please take a moment and let state leaders know: We need a statewide transportation plan that moves us well beyond the same old same old.

Ask Governor Whitmer and your legislators to make regional rail a priority
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