The False Premises in Politico’s Hit Job on Amtrak are even Worse than the Deceptions Policy and Legislation
How the pandemic is creating new opportunities and an urgent need for better trains Policy and Legislation
FRA delivers major breakthrough for U.S. high-speed rail with Texas safety standards Policy and Legislation, Projects and Planning
Upgraded passenger trains in northern CA will make high-speed rail system viable Policy and Legislation, Projects and Planning
Surface Transportation Board recognizes Texas high-speed line as key link in national railroad network Policy and Legislation, Projects and Planning
Court Decision Moves Texas Bullet Train One Step Closer to Reality Policy and Legislation, Projects and Planning
California is getting a massive economic boost from high-speed rail. The U.S. should, too Policy and Legislation, Projects and Planning
The Hills are Alive with the Sound of High-Speed Rail. California Should Take Note. International, Policy and Legislation