California is Building High Speed Rail

A new high-speed line linking Los Angeles to San Francisco will be a game-changer for the most aggressive state rail program in the country.

Los Angeles to San Francisco in under three hours by train!

California is building a 220-mph high-speed line to make it a reality.

And, it is much more than that.  With timed connections to California’s excellent conventional trains and buses, high-speed rail will link hundreds of cities and towns across the state.

A federal rail program, structured like the Interstate Highway program, is needed to accelerate progress.

A conceptual drawing with the Los Angeles skyline in the background and the rebuilt Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal in the foreground.

The California High Speed Rail Authority and LA Metro are partnering to expand and modernize LA Union Station.

A dude is using an IPad on a station platform wth a high-speed train in the background.

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A map showing the Central Valley, Silicon Valley, and Inland Empire segments under construction. and San Francisco to Los Angleles has environmental clearance.

Environmental clearance is completed for most of the route.

A Phased Approach

California is using the Integrated Network Approach. The high-speed line is being constructed in stages, progressively integrated into an already robust network of trains and buses. The Interstate Highway network was built this way.

With this approach, everyone begins to enjoy the benefits of high-speed rail – even before the entire route is complete. As each finished segment is added to the network, it further reduces travel times and increases ridership across the system, not just between high-speed rail stations.

Learn more about the phases

Two Segments are Under Construction

The recently completed right of way for California High speed rail is running from the upper left corner to the lower right corner. A new bridge over a road is the main subject of the picture.

The Central Valley

The Central Valley segment will be the backbone of California’s statewide rail and bus network.  Most connecting services will be doubled when it opens.

Learn more about the Central Valley

A new Caltrain EMu is parked at San Jose Ca station for public tours.

Caltrain Electrification

Caltrain is replacing diesel-hauled commuter trains with electrified regional rail.  High-speed trains will use the tracks to access Silicon Valley.

Learn more about Caltrain

Benefiting the Whole State

High-speed rail is more than just connecting the Bay Area and L.A. These trains will directly serve more than 15 cities on the main trunk line, forming the backbone of a much larger transportation system.

Integrated with California’s extensive network of trains and buses, high-speed rail will ultimately connect hundreds of cities and towns across the state.

Learn about California’s integrated rail plan.

A map of California's proposed passenger rail network proposed in 2018.

California adopted the nation’s first statewide integrated railplan in 2018.

Statewide Progress

Substantial progress is in happening on other segments.

An ACE train passing through Altamont Valley, CA

Ace & San Joaquin Expansion

The ACE and San Joaquin JPAs are working to expand service from Merced to Sacramento and Oakland to match frequencies on the Central Valley high-speed line.

A conceptual rendering looking out the portal of the Tehachapi Pass tunnel at a train headed south.

Tehachapi Pass

A new route through Tehachapi Pass will close the missing link in California’s passenger rail network.

A conceptual rendering of the approach into the tunnels under Pacheco Pass.

Pacheco Pass

A new route linking the Central Valley to the Silicon Valley through Pacheco Pass will slice hours off Amtrak’s circuitous routing.

A rendering of the future expanded platforms at LA Union Station for high-speed rail.


Los Angeles Union Station is being modernized and expanded for both high-speed and regional rail.

Brightline West

Brightline West has environmental clearance to construct a new high-speed line linking Las Vegas and the LA Basin.

A connection between Brightline’s Victorville station and CAHSRA’s Palmdale station is being designed by the High Desert Corridor JPA.

Brightline West and California High Speed Rail will feed traffic back and forth, making each more valuable, and, making the critical Tehachapi Pass crossing easier to finance.

Learn more about Brightline West

A overhead view of a new highway bridge over a four-lane highway, a railroad and the new right-of-way for the California high-speed line.

The new Merced Avenue overpass takes traffic over SR 43, as well as BNSF and future high-speed rail lines.

A federal program is needed to get it done.

California is far ahead of the rest of the country in developing high-speed and regional rail. But they are unique. Most of their routes do not cross state lines.

Most states will require an Interstate Railway Program to build multi-state networks. And California cannot achieve its full potential without a federally-led program.

The Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Law is a great step in the right direction. Much more needs to be done.

Please join us in asking Congress to create an Interstate Railway Program.

A group of friends is talking at a table on a moving train.

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